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Springfield Operator with X-300 Light (2) i.jpg

Springfield Operator with X-300 Light and IWB wings. Adjustable retention.

Falcon G26 2 (1).JPG

Falcon Slimline IWB for a GLOCK 26 with rubber IWB loops. Adjustable retention.

Falcon G19 w TLR1a.jpg

Falcon Slimline IWB for a GLOCK 19/23/32. Adjustable retention. Kydex belt clip.

Falcon G30s Kryptek w pouches n twist (1).jpg

Falcon Slimline IWB for a GLOCK 30S with mag pouches. Highlander Kryptek Kydex. Primal Twist Bic Lighter Keychain.

Silverback SigP226 (3) i.jpg

Silverback OWB holster for a Sig P226. Adjustable retention. Long rounded cut.

Silverback SigP226 (6) i.jpg

Silverback OWB holster for a Sig P226. Adjustable retention. Long rounded cut. Double-thick OWB loops.

Minimalist G19.jpg

Firefly Trigger Guard holster for a GLOCK.

Slimline HKP7M8s.jpg

Falcon Slimline IWB holster for an H&K P7M8.

Minimalist real GLOCK SNremoveds.jpg

Firefly Trigger Guard holster for a GLOCK.

Tuckable Slimline IWB for Glock 19iew r.jpg

Tuckable Falcon Slimline IWB holster for a GLOCK 19/23/32.

Silverback Sig P220R  (1)s.jpg

Silverback OWB holster for a Sig P220R. Adjustable retention.

Silverback Sig P220R  (4)s.jpg

Silverback OWB holster for a Sig P220R. Adjustable retention. Double-thick OWB loops.

Falcon w belt clip f.jpg

Falcon Slimline IWB holster for a GLOCK 17/22/31. Adjustable retention. Kydex belt clip.

Falcon w belt clip r.jpg

Falcon Slimline IWB holster for a GLOCK 17/22/31. Adjustable retention. Kydex belt clip.

Silverback long rounded cut GLOCK 19_23_26_32

Silverback OWB holster for a GLOCK 19/23/32. Long rounded cut. Adjustable retention.

Silverback long rounded cut GLOCK 19_23_26_32

Silverback OWB holster for a GLOCK 19/23/32. Long rounded cut. Adjustable retention. Double-thick OWB loops.

Pygmy in graveyard (2)s.jpg
Pygmy with Glock 17
Ruger GPS100d.jpg
OWB G19 w TLR-1 light.jpg
Ruger GPS100.jpg
Paddle holster for Kahr CW45
Paddle holster for Kahr CW45 side view
OWB G19 dblthkloops GCA (2)s.jpg
OWB G19 dblthkloops GCA (3)s.jpg
micro graveyard fbs.jpg
camo micro fbs.jpg
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